Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstract submission deadline:
January 19, 2024
Extended to February 29, 2024
Please review all of the following steps to ensure you have the information needed to complete the Online Abstract Submission Form.
Log-in to the Online Abstract Submission System.
Note: If you don't have your Confit account, please create your own account.
Select "New Submission" by following the agreement of the copyright transfer.
Fill out the author details (names and affiliations of all authors) and the presentation information including, subjected area, presentation type and title.
Upload your Abstract as a PDF file.
Please use the following MS Word template to prepare the abstract and do not change the font style and size of any entry in this template.
To highlight the content of your presentation, we encourage you to include a key figure into your abstract.
If the PDF file exceeds one page or 3 MB in size, you may not be able to upload the abstract.
Confirm the information and click "submit" to complete your abstract submission.
*Confirmation message will be sent to your email address, after your submission.
You can modify the submitted information until the abstract deadline.
Please preview the uploaded PDF file of your abstract from the Top page of Online Abstract Submission system and make sure all figures are clearly visible.
Any sentence, grammatical or scientific errors will be reproduced in the online proceedings.
The program and all abstracts will be made available for ISSP2024 attendees through the Confit Online System.
Conference registration is required to present your abstract. If not, your abstract will be withdrawn from the program even after acceptance.